Beautiful Weserbergland

Your vacation in the beautiful Weser Uplands

you will definitely keep in good memory

Discover this varied holiday area by ship, Canoe, bike, bus, car, Draisine or on Shoemaker's black horse on the Quality hiking trails im Weserbergland. Die Weser, der Fluss der einer ganzen Region den Namen verleiht, schlängelt sich durch das Weser Uplands. The organized Canoe tours conveniently go downstream - sporty and yet not too strenuous.

Experience beautiful nature in Germany

The Weser cycle path is one of the most popular bike paths in Germany. The eventful bike tour leads over 475 kilometers from Hannoversch-Münden to Cuxhaven. Numerous historic half-timbered towns as well as fascinating castles and palaces can be admired on the route.

Golf enthusiasts can choose from more than 10 attractive golf courses of various levels of difficulty in the vicinity. The exhibitions "Country party" and "Christmas magic“In the Bückeburg Castle and the events in the Herrenhausen Gardens in Hannover.

Whether it's a “Castle Tour”, “Tables like the Knights”, “Fairytale Tour” or “Romantic Days” - we have put together a selection of attractive arrangements for you from which you can choose to your heart's content.

Of course, we would also be happy to put together your own personal experience package for you.

The time you spend here can be enjoyed in many ways.

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